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Want your app to be approved by Apple?

Season 5 Episode 20

Want Your App to be Approved by Apple? Make Sure You Have These!

In this blog post, we will dive into the important factors that you need to consider when submitting your app to the Apple Store. Shipping your app involves more than just software testing and development. To ensure a smooth approval process and increase your chances of success, it’s crucial to pay attention to details such as the app description, privacy policy, languages, and data collection. Let’s explore each of these factors in detail.

The Importance of App Description:

When preparing to submit your app, don’t underestimate the significance of the description you provide. Take your time to craft a compelling and informative description that highlights the unique features and benefits of your app or game. Avoid rushing through it at the last minute. Instead, revise and edit it multiple times to ensure it accurately represents your creation. Consider revisiting the description after a few days to gain fresh perspective and determine if it truly captures the essence of your app.

Privacy Policy:

One essential requirement for your app is having a privacy policy. While it can be placed on your website or anywhere else, make sure to provide a link to your privacy policy in the app store. Take the time to create a comprehensive and easily accessible privacy policy that complies with regulations. There are many online services available to assist you in creating this document. It’s crucial to test your privacy policy in a web browser to ensure it functions properly before adding the link to the store page.

Permissions and Encryption:

Depending on the nature of your app or game, you may need to address certain permissions and encryption requirements. Apple will ask you questions about the kind of encryption you are using. For standard encryption supported by iOS, iPadOS, or Mac, you have a simple answer. It’s important to think about these permissions beforehand and understand their implications. Rest assured that these questions often come with clear explanations to help you make the right choices. If you make a mistake, you can always go back and make changes, so don’t panic.

Supporting Multiple Languages:

If you plan to support multiple languages, make sure you have all the necessary translations in place. Think about which countries you want to release your app to, and select the appropriate checkboxes accordingly. Planning ahead eliminates last-minute stress and allows you to seamlessly navigate the language and country selection process.

Data Collection and User Experience:

Consider whether your app requires data collection and if so, how you will use it. Apple will inquire about the specific data you collect and the purpose behind it. If your app requires user login, ensure you provide test account credentials for the Apple review team to test your app. If monetary transactions are involved, make sure the test account is funded. By minimizing obstacles and providing a smooth user experience, you enhance the chances of positive reviews and success.

Ease of App Updates:

Once you have successfully gone through the setup process and your app is approved, future updates become much easier. Unless any major changes occur, you won’t have to repeat the entire submission process. Planning and addressing these requirements ahead of time will save you valuable effort in the long run.


Ensuring your app’s approval by Apple entails more than just thorough development and testing. By understanding and addressing factors such as the app description, privacy policy, permissions, multiple languages, and data collection, you significantly increase your chances of a successful submission. Take your time, consider these requirements well in advance, and don’t hesitate to seek assistance from the developer community.

By following these guidelines, you can streamline the submission process and embark on a fruitful journey in the Apple Store.

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